The Curious incident of the dog in the morning!
Early in the morning today, at about 4:30 am , I could hear noises- I woke up wondering if somebody had entered the house or if the noises were from outside. Living downstairs is a whole new experience in itself- all the sounds of the neighboring houses, the trees and the birds, the dogs , the cats, the cabs that come to drop people late in the night, the people who come home late after a late dinner or a party – everything is known to us. It is pretty darn annoying at first – especially when you don’t know that the kids in the neighboring house have a habit of creating a ruckus only post 11pm and not one minute before that. For the first two days, I would respond in shock to the sudden shrills that could be heard from their house, I would wonder what the parents were doing to them to make them revolt so violently. When it continued to happen on the third day, I realized it was a pattern, and now it has become the new normal. Being a light sleeper does not...