
Showing posts from November, 2009

Principles versus people..

Principles. All of you have your principles in life (or so I like to believe), and so do I. No, I'm not gonna talk about my principles, as it really doesn't matter. You don't need to know my principles, there's something far more important I want to convey.. So now, you have a set of principles you live by, and the set of people associated with you satisfy your principles in a very basic sense- for instance you don't become friends with someone who is say, the terror of the class, if you are say, the quiet(and peace loving) types.. But that doesn't stop you from getting acquainted with the guy. A classmate, acquaintance, but no friend. You get the point. You have some basic rules which people shouldn't break if you've to classify them under a certain category. Here's the baffling question: What do you do when people who you already relate to, decide to change their principles? In other words, an unintended Trojan horse?( I know there's nothing l...

A question finally answered..

In the recent years (more-so in the last one yr),there was this one question which continuously plagued my mind. Consistency in action in a particular field is absolutely essential for succeeding ,so what happens when you've had this shattering realisation that consistency is not one of the traits you've happened to cultivate or not simply been fortunate enough to be born with? What if you're the type who gives peak performances once in a while n remain in 'hibernate' mode otherwise? Of course, I'm implying that those peak performances are not rare, just that they are not on a day-to-day basis..Should you consistently attempt to be consistent? So on, and so forth. A fortnight ago or so, I came across a blog-post, where the blogger blogs bout this ‘stud-fighter’ theory.. This is his theory, which finally answered a lot of questions.. The original post is worth a read, though I'm gonna paraphrase it here. He talks about why batsmen need to show fighter quali...

Being 'Happy' and being 'Useful'

A few months ago, I came across this statement: If you're happy, thats good. But thats not enough. You should be useful too. It had quite an impact on me, coz I'm this person who is kinda super-optimistic in life, and hence almost always happy. So when I heard this particular statement, it got me thinking. I wondered if I was 'useful' to anybody and not just happy without any meaning. A universal statement: Happiness is contagious. You smile, and you create a wave of it. The effect is extremely satisfying. On the other hand, usefulness is not contagious, is it? My happiness cheers at least two people in a day. Thats the minimum number. A min. of two ppl would mention my super-(crazy acc. to a few)-optimism, and they would try being optimistic too. I think, ppl who are happy tend to be more productive-call it 'useful' if you want. If you're happy, you tend to be more creative. Is it correct to generalize that all useful ppl are happy? I don't think so....

Study holidays..

One concept I don't appreciate. We don't need these 'study hols'. Not 15-20 days at least. Not when we are under VTU, and have to answer 5 questions out of 8. Not when we have plenty of time to learn the necessary stuff during the 2 or 3 months of coll. Not when there are 2 theory subjects out of the six in the curriculum. 5 days should be ideal. That way, those 5 days will be put to good use, which will be followed by exams, and we get 15 days of extra vacation, which is surely a welcome idea for most of us! We anyway don't study right through the hols, so it only becomes a restriction on the amount of fun we can have ( for instance, we can't go out of town during study hols), so we can neither have fun, nor study in peace, which leaves us with a sense of no satisfaction. Btw, I'm not saying we should use study hols as vacation time, I'm only saying we can cut down the no. of study hols and thus increase the no. of hols we get! What do you think? Mor...

The difference between "I can't " and "I won't "

I got this fundae from a book I read. The name of the book is "Surely,you're joking, Mr.Feynman!" A book 'bout Richard Feynman, one of the physicists I greatly admire. There's a chapter in that book, where Richard Feynman as a student-who apparently had the same attitude as mine in this respect-volunteers to participate with a hypnotist to demonstrate hypnotism to the class. When the hypnotist asks him to close his eyes, and then further gives absurd instructions, he obeys them, and they decide to demo this on their annual day or some such occasion. Feynman thinks, I can disobey the hypnotist in one of these practice sessions and show him that hypnotism doesn't work, but I won't do that.. The difference between I can't and I won't, will be shown to him on stage on the D-day, and hence the practice continues.. people remain in awe of the hypnotist, and the D-day arrives. On stage, Feynman decides that if he disobeys the final instruction given by t...

A walk to remember..

I enjoy taking long walks. No, I don't mind having company, but walking alone is a pleasure in itself. Today, I went out to get dinner from a nearby darshini, and as the place is close-by, I chose to walk. As I walked, I thought 'bout the hibernation mode post I've put up earlier in the day, and thought I should have written "I'm very much alive. And kicking" instead of "I'm very much alive and kicking" in that post.. This is one of the reasons I like walking alone.. It gives you a chance to think 'bout things you otherwise wouldn't have tght 'bout.. Things which ppl wud generally label as 'trivial'. Even trivial things make a difference. To me. And then, I remembered the longest walk I've had without company.. It was a few months ago, had watched a movie with family in PVR,( I don't rem which movie), and I convinced my parents that I'd over-eaten and hence I needed to walk. They consented. It takes 45-50 mins to ...


Yes. That's precisely what happened. I went into hibernation mode. Decided to start blogging,signed up here, and you know know the rest. Or rather, you don't, as I've not been blogging at all.. A rather unexpected twist re-flamed my interest to blog, and I was all set to talk bout the latest fundae I'd come across, but then I realised, after months of hibernation,nobody starts talking bout fundaes and college and all that.. They first need to say hi, to make ppl realise they're very much alive and kickin'.. Which is precisely what this post is bout.. I'm very much alive, and kicking. My theories and theories of others I found interesting will ensue.. Any fundaes 'bout the benefits of hibernating in the form of comments are welcome.